The Harbourside Quay for the Visiting Yachts to MoorWell Known Haven for the Local Men Discussing Secret Men’s BusinessMany Gulets Waiting for CustomersInto the Port to Fill up with Water Before DepartureThe Bozburun MosqueGood Choice for DinnerGoodbye BozburunThis Ship was used by Former Turkish Revolutionary Leader, AtaturkA Great Day for Travelling in the Hot and Humid ConditionsAncient Remains of a Citadel in Bozuk BukuA Couple of Yachts Moored in Bozuk BukuRemarkable Rock at the Narrow Entrance to Serce Limani, a Popular Anchorage with a RestaurantThe Navy races Past Us with a Dozen People Huddled on the Upper Deck????The Island, Ciftlik Adasi at the Entrance to the Sheltered Bay of Ciftlik BukuA Restaurant Employee Enticing Potential Yachting Customers to come and Moor at their JettyThe Rising Moon as we go AshoreThe Rafet Baba RestaurantA Beautiful Outlook from the RestaurantTangaroa in the MoonlightChilled Rose and Great Octopus SaladExcellent Seabass
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