Wednesday 12th September 2012 Sogut to Kapi Creek via Dalyan

We made quite an early start this morning from our overnight stop near the Octopus Restaurant in Sogut Bay. The plan was to motor quite a distance today all the way to the Fethiye Gulf with a stop for a few hours at the Dalyan River. Ric and I had enjoyed the trip by small boat up the river so much a month ago, that we wanted to share the experience again with our friends, Don and Susie. Ric had pre booked one of the small boats to collect us from the Tangaroa in the bay at midday and as scheduled our captain arrived promptly on time. After stopping to view the turtles at the mouth of the Dalyan River, we made our way through the labyrinth of reeds towards the ancient town of Caunos.The tractor trip over the dusty, narrow road to the ancient site was quite bumpy, however a lot of fun!! The view over the meandering, narrow, reeded channels of the Dalyan River were quite spectacular from the elevated ancient town. Once back aboard our small boat we continued on to the famous tombs which overlook the township of Dalyan. Here we made a stop for a while to have a look through the town and try a Turkish coffee. Following our excursion and returning to the Tangaroa, which was anchored in the large bay, we discovered a strong afternoon breeze had arrived and the sea had become quite rough. It was quite an ordeal for us to climb aboard from the small tour boat. Fortunately both captains were experienced and the crossing from one boat to another went without incident. Once aboard we secured everything for the rough trip east to the next headland and then we had the breeze behind us, which was a relief to us all. This part of the Turkish coast always has a strong afternoon seabreeze which we found out about on our earlier visit to the Dalyan River. Once we arrived in the Fethiye Gulf by early evening, the conditions were much calmer. Motoring through the narrow channel to the western side of the large bay, we entered the nearby cove of Kapi Creek and tied to the restaurant pier where we had been a couple times before. Dinner here was always a nice experience and after our long, adventurous day it was a welcome relief to sit down with a nice glass of wine or two!
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