Thursday 12th July 2012 Skala, Patmos Is to Lipsi, Lipsi Is

After a couple of wonderful days visiting Patmos Island we made our departure for our next port of call. Lipsi Island was less than an hour of motoring from Patmos so we changed course and headed slightly north east to go to the small island of Arki for a swim and some lunch. It was such a delightful spot that we spent most of the afternoon there enjoying the crystal clear warm water and pleasant conditions. It was interesting watching the very few boats passing by. We spotted an elegant sloop under sail, a couple of sailing boats and a pirate ship, which obviously was one of the daytrippers from a nearby port. Late afternoon we departed for Lipsi and after arriving into the quaint little port, we reversed Tangaroa into the pier beside the other visiting boats. Anthony and Ric departed for a wander around the small town and came back with a suggestion for dinner. Later after enjoying a nice Japanese Slipper cocktail that Ric had mixed for us aboard the boat, we made our way to the Yiannis Restaurant. The evening was very balmy once again and slowly we are getting used to the chilled red wines served in the tavernas. Intitially we requested the non chilled house red wines when going out, however with the weather being so warm we have joined the clan! The restaurant was beautifully positioned by the water with brightly painted gourds as decorations by each of the tables. Unusual!! We tried a few different dishes this evening, including the lobster on the menu, which turned out to be a big bug that resembled a large Morton Bay variety! The food was quite good however it all was served with garnishes that went out of fashion in the 60’s. They need to send their chef to finishing school!!! On someones suggestion, we stopped of at The Rock for an after dinner drink. The family run small bar was quite a nice venue for a final drink for the evening. Mine host mixed us girls a nice Marguarita and a Pinacolada and the boys had a couple of rums! It was the icing on the cake tonight!
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