Friday 15th June 2012 Livardhi, Serifos Island to Adhamas, Milos Island
Our Departure from Livardhi, Serifos Island Our Friends are Still Asleep after our Late NightApproaching the Entrance to Ormos Milou, Milos IslandRock Formations that Look like Bears A Quaint Little Fishing Village Called FourkovouniWe Go in for a Closer Look Spotted by the Locals near the Unusual Rock Formation Different Shades of Blue and White a Favourite HereMany Steps to the Jetty and Beach Nearby Another Small Fishing VillageIt Does not Look Like Anybody is at Home Here A Renovators DreamOur First View of Klima with Plaka Behind on the HillA Variety of Colours in this VillageThe Little Boats are as Quaint as the HousesThe First Part of KlimaThe Middle of KlimaThe Rest of KlimaPlaka, the Capital of Milos on the Hill
All Shutters and Doors Freshly Painted for the Tourist SeasonKerrie Enjoying the SceneryUnusual Boat Sheds Built into the HillAnother Small Cluster of Houses with an Interested OnlookerThe Small Lighthouse Dwarfed by the Rugged Headland of Ak Bombardha Our First Glimpse of Adhamas, Where we Plan to Stay for Several DaysThe Western Side of Adhamas, Milos Island‘Diamonds Are Forever’ is in the PortThe Adhamas Town PortMany Visiting Yachts Aready Arrived for the WeekendThe Clocktower and Church Stand Out over the TownAdhamas Certainly is a Lovely PortAnother Large Elegant Yacht in Here TodayThe Floating Pier Where we Intend Mooring
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