2019-07-06 Hotel Xixim, Celestun, Mexico

As the wedding we will attend here today at Hotel Xixim doesn’t start until 5 pm, we make the most of the beautiful day and beautiful resort by spending our time walking, swimming and relaxing
Our close Tasmanian friends Rod and Kate, the parents of the groom Jeremy who is to be married today
All is set up for the wedding ceremony on the beach beside the Hotel Xixim
Some of the guests start arriving
Jeremy arrives with his groomsmen
All the guests and especially Jeremy await the arrival of the bride
Finally Bianca arrives with her proud parents
Bianca looks absolutely stunning on her wedding day
Jeremy and Bianca had chosen to get married with a traditional Mayan sacred Ceremony, performed in a ritual lead by a shaman
The unique experience to celebrate the union of two souls forever which was performed here in this amazing setting took approximately an hour
The four elements …. earth, water, wind and fire are presented to the Bride and Groom during the ceremony. These elements will give to the couple soul, energy of harmony and success in marriage. Each element is located in one cardinal direction. Fire to the east is our spirit, air to the north is our breath, water to the west is for our blood and earth to the south is for our body
When the rituals were complete Jeremy and Bianca are pronounced to be man and wife
A very happy couple!!!
While the official photos were done, the rest of the guests were offered refreshments while relaxing in couches that were especially set up on the beach
At 7 pm all the guests were ushered to the wedding reception which was set up around one of the swimming pools of the resort hotel
On each place setting there was a receptacle containing the local spirit called mescal which is made from the cactus plant with the same name
The happy couple arrive at their wedding reception
We experience an amazing sunset

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