2018-07-07 Sant Carles de la Rapita to Bahia de Alfacs, Costa del Azahar, Spain
Goodbye to Eddie and ChristineOnce again we leave the Sant Carles Marina to go out to the lagoon before returning to the Balearic Islands hopefully the following morningWe had a great position on the visitor’s pier at the marina during our returnBefore departing the marina we fill up with fuel for our long journey in the morning. The hardstand by the fuel depot is where we left the Tangaroa for the past couple of years while returning to Australia
With our regular visits here to Sant Carles de la Rapita over the past few years, we have got to know the lovely town quite wellIt is a short distance to the lagoon (Bahia des Alfacs) from Sant Carles de la RapitaOnce on anchor out in the bay, Ric telephones the restaurant to see if we are not too late to come for a late lunchFortunately we were able to get a table before the kitchen closedApproaching restaurant Xiringuito de la Costa Bahia MarArriving at the restaurant there were still has a lot of clientele finishing their drinks and desserts and enjoying the late afternoon sunFriendly staff find an available table for us by the water out of the low hot sun
The Tangaroa on anchor out in the bay
For a quick starter we ordered a plate of delicious local fresh oysters
It wasn’t long before our gigantic seafood platter arrived shorty after we had finished our wonderful oysters
We were thrilled that finally we were able to try one of the restaurants in the lagoon. In the past we were either too early in the season or we were too late in the season, due to their limited opening timesOnce we depart there were very few patrons and staff left in the restaurantThe last ferry takes the staff and the piles of rubbish back to the townA selfie of us !!Back to the Tangaroa to prepare for our early start in the morning
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