2017-10-11 Sanctuary Sunboat 1V, Luxor to Kom Ombo, Egypt
Very early this morning the Sanctuary Sunboat 1V departs from the dock in Luxor for an all day cruise to Kom Ombo, via a stop in Edfu on the wayAt around 5.40 am after travelling for quite a while already we approach the town of EsnaPassing through the lock in Esna we continue up the Nile River
Slowly the sun starts risingWe continue cruising, having breakfast aboard while watching the wonderful scenery pass by
Many fishermen in small wooden boats are out fishing early this morningAfter breakfast we explore the other decks of the boat
The top deck with a pool
We pass one of the very few cruise boats that are operating on the Nile at the moment
Before passing under the low bridge in Edfu the staff have to go through the process of lowering the two wooden structures on the roof of the boat
After cruising for several hours we approach the mooring in EdfuNumerous cruise ships are permanently moored hereCarriages begin to arrive at the dock where the Sanctuary Sun Boat 1V is mooredAt precisely 10 am we depart the boat for a visit to the Edfu TempleWe were all allocated a carriage with a driver to take us to visit the ancient templeIt was a very interesting trip through the main streets of the townFreshly baked bread is popular here
Close to the temple was a parking lot for the horses and carriagesWe follow our guide, Alaa towards the entrance to the ancient siteThe Temple of Horos, as it is known, is the second largest and most completely preserved of all the Egyptian templesIn front of the massive temple is the Courtyard of LibationsThe Temple of Horus was built during the Ptolemaic period (332-32 BC) on top of an older temple. It is 137 m long and the front is 79 m wide with the pylons 36 m highOn guard at the entrance are two impressive black granite statues depicting Horus in the form of a falconOne side of the massive templeEntering the Temple we are overwhelmed with the sheer size of the building
In the sanctuary, still in a perfect state of preservation is a very extraordinary tabernacle carved from a single block of granite (see behind) from inscriptions it was constructed 360 BCThe other side of the templeAfter our very interesting visit to the Temple of Horus, we head back to the carriage and return to the boat
Once aboard we depart Edfu and continue cruising south up the Nile towards Kom OmboRic has a little rest before lunch is served!!A delicious barbecue lunch is served on the rear terrace
Delicious desserts
A tour of the kitchen was offered by the staff after the cooking class….naturally I acceptedThe chefs were already preparing the evening feastThe head chef was very proud of his galley aboard the boat
Drinks beside the pool tonightGin & tonics on the top deckSunsetSpectacular sky tonightWe finally arrive at Kom OmboSome of the guests aboard leave to visit the temple before dinner…..we will have another opportunity to do so in a few days timeDinner tonight has an Egyptian theme and the food served is a buffet of Egyptian specialtiesAll the guests aboard have acquired their Egyptian outfits from the shop on board
Delicious Egyptian desserts to finish a lovely eveningDancing and some fun to finish off the evening
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