2016-06-19 Marina Cannigione to Carla Nord, Isola Budelli, Maddalena Islands, Sardinia

Pasquale arrives again today to finish off a few things from the work done the prior day
Pasquale arrives again today to finish off a few things from the work done the prior day
Late afternoon we finally leave Cannigione for the last time
Late afternoon we finally leave Cannigione for the last time
Giuseppi and Kate the dog farewell us with a friend when we depart the port in Canigione
Giuseppi and Kate the dog farewell us with a friend when we depart the port in Cannigione

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We pass the lovely homes we saw on the way to the restaurant last evening
We pass the lovely homes we saw on the way to the restaurant last evening

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The restaurant on the beach
The beachside Ristorante la Vecchia Lampara that we dined in last night at Laconia
We pass Capo d'Orso as we head north west
We pass Capo d’Orso as we head north west along the coast
The rugged south west coastline of Isola San Stefano, one of the La Maddalena Islands
The rugged south west coastline of Isola San Stefano, one of the La Maddalena Islands
Houses have been built into the rocks and is only accessible by boat
Houses have been built into the rocks and are only accessible by boat
Mezzo Passo looking across Secca di Mezzo to
Mezzo Passo looking across Secca di Mezzo to Scoglio Bianco pyramidal beacon behind on thew south west coast of La Maddalena Island
Punta Sud
Punta Sud is on the southern tip of Isola Budelli
We arrive in
We arrive in Deadman’s passage on the east coast of Isola Budelli, one of the northern La Maddalena Islands and drop anchor in Carla Nord
There are several other boats here for the night too
There are several other boats here at this anchorage for the night too
Looking north
Looking north through Deadman’s passage between Isola Budelli and Isola Santa Maria
We almost missed out on our steak dinner tonight!!
We almost missed out on our steak dinner tonight!!

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