2017-08-20 Cala Tarida to Cala Binirris, Ibiza Island

We say goodbye to Peter and Barbara on Cloudy Bay
Before we make our move from the bay we make sure we have a long swim in the beautiful aquamarine waters of Cala Tarida
Wooden shanty style sheds which give cover from the sun are very common around the bays of Ibiza
In the background are a couple of very exclusive Ibiza restaurants overlooking the attractive Cala Tarida
Surrounding the beautiful bay are numerous low rise holiday apartments
Time for us to depart Cala Tarida and continue along the coast
We leave behind the busy anchorage with numerous boats and thousands of sun worshipers
Continuing north up the coast
After passing several small anchorages on the coast we arrive at the busy Cala de Compe

Situated close to the islands of Illa des Bosc and Illa Sa Conillera, Cala Compe with it’s busy beach and restaurant is a popular day anchorage for boats
Between the two islands offshore is a submerged shallow rocky bar and towards one end are the sculptured Es Picatxos
Although several yachts had passed between Illa des Bosc and Illa Sa Conillera we decide to take the longer and safer route around

Going around Illa Sa Conillera was quite worthwhile as the scenery was spectacular
Looking back to the jagged Isla de es Vedra in the far distance and Illa s’Espartar in the foreground

The lighthouse, Faro de Sa Conillera,

Although we were not ready to anchor we thought we would go into the Puerto of San Antonio for future reference
Port Antonio is quite a large fishing and yacht harbour surrounded by hotels and high rise apartment buildings developed for the young English tourists . There are some attractive areas of the town such as the beach and the tree lined promenade
We continue our journey up the coast
The flat areas of the cliff face which is not far from San Antonio are very popular for swimmers and sun seekers alike. More than likely have arrived by the two boats moored nearby
We pass another busy bay
Beautiful houses are built on cliffs all along the coast and most are wonderfully surrounded by lush vegetation for privacy and for coolness in the extreme summer heat
With absolutely perfect weather conditions for travelling up the west coast of Ibiza we decide to continue on
The rugged west coast which we believe can be quite tricky at times certainly is at it’s best for us today
The scenery as we continued in a north easterly direction up the coast was quite extraordinarily beautiful

We approach Illa Murada
Port de Sant Miquel had a large hotel at the entrance to the bay
We decided that we would go into the adjacent bay, Cala Binirras which looked quite busy with many yachts on anchor, a rock formation which looked like a thumbs up (very welcoming) and no unsightly hotels to be seen!!
Fortunately we managed to find a reasonable spot at the mouth of the bay directly behind the 27 m high, Islote Bernat, which from this side, does uncannily resemble the elderly Queen Victoria
Looking into the bay we once again see the yacht “Sea Dreams” which originally belonged to Tasmanian friends Rob & Rosemary
Ric naturally couldn’t help himself and swam over to say hello again to new owners Larry & Lee!!
Tonight we were told that drummers will begin drumming as the sun goes down and will continue on into the evening!!
Boat loads of people start heading ashore to have dinner and especially to watch the drumming spectacle!!

People are gathering in large numbers on the beach to watch the sun go down
People start appearing on the slopes beside the bay

A number small boats have gone out to watch the sunset at the head of the bay

We have the best view of the sunset from the Tangaroa!!

It has been a great experience for us and many others to watch the sun going down to the drummers playing
Almost gone…..

Wow!! What an unexpected experience in Cala Binirras this evening

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