Many Small Fishing Boats Shelting from the WindsEven in this Big Natural Harbour the Sea gets RoughVery Windswept Beach in the Big HarbourQuite Sheltered at Provatas Beach on the South CoastVery Stong Gusts Over the Water on the West CoastSpot the Goat!Because the Island is Volcanic the Landscape is Quite BarrenThere are Many Small Churches, Even in Very Remote AreasAnother Sheltered Beach in the SouthLooking North to Plaka and Adhamas Plaka on the Hill and Klima by the SeaBack to the Port and the Wind has Calmed Down You Can Always Find Good Tavernas in the Back StreetsThe Aubergine Salad and Beans Were Nice StartersBoiled Octopus and Squid with Tomato Good Too
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