2016-05-19 Yacht Porto Malfatano to Club Marinatour, Carloforte, Isola di San Pietro, Sardinia
As we depart our anchorage just after 6am the sun appears over the hills behind usWe have made an early start today as the wind was forcasted to increase by late morningWe pass the Teulada Marina which is one of the most southern marinas in SardiniaThis area west of Porto Teulada is a restricted Military AreaWonderful scenery looking towards Porto Pino in the south westHoliday houses at Capo Sperone, Isola di Sant’AntiocoContinuing on to the popular holiday island of Isola di San PietroWe arrive in Carloforte which is on the east coast of the tiny island of Isola di San PietroThe town of Carloforte looks pleasant from the waterA pleasant young man came out to greet us and we agreed to take a berth in the Marintour MarinaTangaroa nicely tied up in the marinaWe lock up and head out to dinnerDirectly behind the marina is Osteria Della Tonnara which was recommended as being the best restaurant in townThe restaurant specialises in tuna which is what the island, especially the west coast of Sardinia, is well known forWe order some Sardinian vino rossoWe order the tasting plates for entreeMore tasting plates arrive!…..and another…. and yet anotherWe change our order to one portion if fish to share…. and grilled vegetables
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