Once Again we Depart Yalova PortIn Clear Blue Skies we leave Yalova and Motor NorthMany Freighters are Heading for the Bosphorus and then on to the Black SeaIn the Distance our Destination comes into ViewHundreds of Ships at Anchor in the Marmara Sea by IstanbulStanding on the Cabin Roof, the View is AmazingWe Approach Pendik, a large Port on the Asian Side of IstanbulWe Arrive in the Port of Pendik to Visit the Istanbul Boat ShowMany Impressive Boats are Attending the Show this YearA Colourful Cluster of Trawlers line the Shore of PendikThe Usual Welcome Party from the Marina Arrive!Boats of all Sizes are on Display at the Boat ShowAfter Mooring the Tangaroa in a Berth in the Marina Ric is Keen to Head for the Boat ShowQuite a Large Vehicle on Display at the Istanbul Boat Show EntrancePlenty of Flags Flying TodayAn Amazing Beautiful Day for the ShowSome Interesting Shapes on Display TodayWe were Lucky to be Invited Aboard Several of the Luxury Large YachtsThe Deck Furniture was Certainly Impressive !The Afternoon Sun on the Trawlers Attracted my Attention MoreThe Colours were of the Old Trawlers were AmazingThis Exquisite Yacht was Definitely One of Our FavouritesBack to the Tangaroa in the Pendik MarinaThe Sunset this Evening was as Impressive as the Day we had Visiting the Boat Show
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