25th July 2013 Kusadasi to Cam Limani, Kusdasi Korfezi
Only One Cruise Ship Left in Port this MorningPeace at Home and Peace in the WorldOur Favourite Statue !!The Colourful Seated Cafes Along he ForeshoreIn the Distance on the Hill Overlooking the City is a Large Statue of Iconic Revolutionary Leader AtaturkRic Once Again Patiently Waiting for all the Photography to be Completed !!Back at the Marina We have Brunch at One of the Marina RestaurantsWhat an Enormous Pepper Grinder !!We Depart Kusadasi MarinaWe Pass Some Youngsters Taking Part in a Sailing SchoolWe Motor Towards Cam Limani and Pass Cukuralti East of Our DestinationWe Conveniently Arrive in Cam Limani as the Day Tripper Boats DepartWe Drop Anchor for the Night in Peaceful Cam LimaniYoung Men Fishing from the Nearby Cliffs in the BayLooking East from Cam LimaniAt Dusk the Buildings Glow in the Nearby TownThe Cliffs Also Glow as the Sun DisappearsRic is Chef Tonight and Prepares a very Tasty Vegetable Tortellini
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