2019-09-14 Soline Bay, St Klement Island to Stiniva, Hvar Island, Croatia
There have been many more moorings added to the bay since our last visit to Soline Bay in 2011. These new moorings are owned by the local restaurants which do not charge for their use if you dine with them. Otherwise there is a charge for overnight usage! As we have done in the past, we dropped our anchor in the bay, as to our knowledge Kanoba Dionis has no moorings!!From Soline Bay one can see the Island of Vis to the southwest After lunch we decide to make a move and have a change of sceneryLooking back to Vis Island as we head to the northern coast of HvarWe catch a glimpse of Hvar as we continue northIn the distance to the north is the mountainous island of BracAlong the northern coast of the island of Hvar the coast looks very green and fertile There are numerous beautiful bays along this part of the coast which have lovely beaches such as Beach ViraLooking north to the island of Brac and one of the many ferries that take passengers to and from the ancient Hvar town of Stari GradContinuing on we arrive at Stiniva Bay which looks very sheltered and invitingWe decide to enter this beautiful and peaceful anchorage What a stunning place to drop our anchorA photographer’s paradise!!Once again it is time for a swim!!We decided to stay overnight in this exquisite bayDinner with the best view you could imagine!!
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