2016-06-03 Golfo delle Saline to Marina Cannigione, Sardinia
This morning we pull up the anchor and slowly make our way towards CannigioneAs we are departing Ric spots an Australian flag aboard one of our overnight neighbour’s yachts, naturally Ric had to cruise past to say hello!!Another view of the bear on Capo d’Orso from Golfo delle SalineWe cruise past the camping ground which has a few caravans and motor homes visiting at the momentLooking towards the town of Cannigione where we have booked a couple of nights in the marinaWe pass a number of villas on the western hillside which apparently have sprung up over the past few years in the large Golfo di ArzachenaLess than half an hour later we approach the port of Cannigione
A few bigger boats have moorings here in the harbour… and few other yachts are on swinging moorings in the bay nearby alsoWe arrive at Marina di Cannigione where we had planned to pick up our Melbourne friends tomorrowGiovanni and his faithful dog Kate come out to greet us and lead us to the berth we had bookedA couple of charter boats depart the marina as we enterWe make our way past full quays to one of the few available berthsThe marina is only walking distance to the small townFinally we are nicely settled in our marina berth and we start preparing for our first visitors for the year, who arrive tomorrow evening
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