2016-04-29 KL to Cruising Association Accommodation, London
From the video-cam set up on the tail of the aircraft we can view the landing of the giant A380The arrival gate at Heathrow is dwarfed by the huge planeBy cab to our accommodation in London we see many trees still in full blossomOn our trip early in the morning from Heathrow to Limehouse Basin we pass through central London with very little traffic
We catch a glimpse of the London EyeInteresting name for a pub!!A quick glimpse of London Tower during our journeyAfter an hour by cab we arrive at Limehouse Basin which is situated on the Thames River approximately 3 kms east of central LondonLast year we joined up with the British “Cruising Association” who have very reasonably priced accommodation in their central London Clubhouse on the Thames. Naturally we booked a few nights!!The outstanding view of the narrow boats in the basin from our small room’s huge balcony, was amazing!!
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