Early Morning Reflections in Tomb BayToday the Weather Conditions Look Very FavourableTombs Carved into the Rock Faces That Overlook the BayThe Men on Anchor DutyFarewells to Our English Friends, Dick and MaryA Cluster of Large Motor Yachts Almost Take Up a Whole BayWall Bay in the Distance, with it’s Restaurant and JettyCleopatra’s Baths in Ruin BayA Popular Mooring Called Ravine CoveOur Guests Enjoying the Wonderful SceneryMany Holidaymakers Swimming at the Ancient Island of GemilerMr George
Mr George Sells Vegetables, Fruit, Bread, Pastries and IcecreamsColdwater Bay, Our Mooring for the NightA Nice Glass of Bubbles for Us Ladies Before DinnerOur Happy Husbands!!Argun Kindly Collects us by Boat and Brings us AshoreColdwater Bay has a Spring that Brings Fresh Cold Water into the BayThe Spectacular View from Our Table at the RestaurantAnother Yacht Makes it’s Way into Towards the BayThe Restaurant Owner’s Donkey Takes a Liking to Our Friend, NickYou Couldn’t Find a Better Setting for a Restaurant
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