13th May 2014 Nea Moudhania to Thessalonkiki Marina (Aretsou) Kalamaria
A Fleet of Fishing Vessels Lie Idle in the PortLocals Already at the End of the Pier Fishing as we DepartBreakfast is Served While we Motor Along the CoastWe Arrive at the Thessaloniki Aretsou Marina in Kalamaria, just South of the Main City of ThessalonikiA Sip of Bubbles and some Lunch on Our Arrival at Our Final Destination with Our FriendsOverlooking the Kalamaria PortOur Last Dinner Together at the Meat Restaurant Called Nea DiagoniosThe Young Owner of the Restaurant was Exceptionally Polite and Gracious with All His PatronsRic Looking His Usual Happy SelfUs Girls on the Comfy CouchLovely Breads were Brought to the TableWe Ordered an Aubergine Salad to ShareAmazing Meatballs to TryGyros PorkA Generous Portion of Eye Fillet on the Menu – We All Ordered the Same !!The Best Chips Ever !!Delightful Dessert on the HouseNea Moudhania to Kalamaria
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