11th May 2014 Porto Koufo to Porto Carras Marina, Sinthonia Peninsular
Reluctantly we Depart the Delightful Bay of Porto KoufoWe Approach the Narrow Entrance to the BayThe Rugged Cliffs are Mirrored in the Calm WaterAlong the Coast, West from Porto Koufo there are Many Beautiful Beaches with Stunning White SandWhen we Dropped Anchor off one of the Lovely Beaches, John Started Preparing BreakfastCompliments to the Chef – One of the Best Breakfasts Ever !!Inviting Turquoise WaterFurther Along the Coast a Caravan ParadiseAnother Deserted BeachWe Call into Nea Marmaras to get a Berth by the Quay, as we Needed Power – Our Generator was still not Working ProperlyA Few Yachts were Along the Quay however the Power Boxes were Rusted and Broken and the Lazy Lines were Non ExistentThe Town However Looked Quite PleasantLike Many Marinas and Ports in Greece the Infrastructure was Either Broken, such as this Wave-breaker Pontoon and the Power Boxes or just no Longer Available such as the Lazy LinesThere was not a Lot of Choice in the Area so we Returned Along the Coast and Took a Berth at Porto CarrasThe Marina is Situated Beside two Hyper-Hotels which have all the Facilities including Tennis Courts and a Swimming, Boutiques, Casino etc etc – The Whole Complex However Looked very, very Quite !! A Sign of the Economy Here !!With Power and Water Connected, it was Time to do a Few Loads of WashingHome Made Pizzas For Us for Dinner TonightWe all Agreed the Pizzas were Great !!
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